Friday 16 July 2010

Week 2 - Koh Tao

We get the ferry over to Koh Tao and begin to search for accommodation. We thought it would be nice to go to a more tranquil area. So we ended up in the middle of no where with the most stunning views. The hotel at first seemed lovely set in the cliffs with its own private beach. We had some lunch then some of us went to explore the beach.

The Sea Cucumber... Charlotte and I explored the sea finding that the sea bed wasn't overly comfy to walk on there seemed to be a lot of coral, there were also some black looking rocks... I accidentally stood on one of the rocks finding it was squidgy. I soon realized these squidgy things were not soft rocks (momentary blond moment) but were in fact sea cucumbers!!! We all know I love cucumbers but I am not a big fan of ones that are alive. I started panicking as I realised I was surrounded by them. Whist balancing on my tip toes I tried to turn around which was pretty hard with the sea current, I was so scared I was going to fall over!! By this point Charl was far out which I didn't understand as how was she not scared of the sea cucumbers. I shouted at her about them and she told me they were rocks.. So I told her to stand on one.. She began screaming, I began screaming as this confirmed to me they definitely weren't rocks, and we ran back to shore. I stood on a lot of sea cucumbers and cut my foot on coral making it bleed, so would probably have been better if we had calmly wadded back to shore. So typically event in my life I get scared, I scream, I hurt myself and attract a lot of attention, which in this case wasn't hard as we were on a tranquil relaxing beach.

Little did we know the hotel was run by a scary Thai family who basically didn't like having guests as it seems; they were rude, and very unwelcoming after we had paid. Four girls in our group of 12 had an argument with some of the staff to do with air-con so they decided they were going to leave. In an attempt to get some of their money back they had to ring the old manager of the hotel to translate to the Thai family. The old manager warned them to be careful as the family were known to be aggressive towards complaining customers, which put the rest of us staying there at ease..!! Whilst the other girls went to find accommodation at a different bay we decided to make the most of it and found a lovely traditional Thai restaurant. The views and food were amazing!! As they only had rooms for 3 people and there was 4 of us in each hut 3 of us had to share a double bed.. which was quite amusing getting us all in and comfy.

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