Friday 16 July 2010

Week 2 - Koh Tao

We get the ferry over to Koh Tao and begin to search for accommodation. We thought it would be nice to go to a more tranquil area. So we ended up in the middle of no where with the most stunning views. The hotel at first seemed lovely set in the cliffs with its own private beach. We had some lunch then some of us went to explore the beach.

The Sea Cucumber... Charlotte and I explored the sea finding that the sea bed wasn't overly comfy to walk on there seemed to be a lot of coral, there were also some black looking rocks... I accidentally stood on one of the rocks finding it was squidgy. I soon realized these squidgy things were not soft rocks (momentary blond moment) but were in fact sea cucumbers!!! We all know I love cucumbers but I am not a big fan of ones that are alive. I started panicking as I realised I was surrounded by them. Whist balancing on my tip toes I tried to turn around which was pretty hard with the sea current, I was so scared I was going to fall over!! By this point Charl was far out which I didn't understand as how was she not scared of the sea cucumbers. I shouted at her about them and she told me they were rocks.. So I told her to stand on one.. She began screaming, I began screaming as this confirmed to me they definitely weren't rocks, and we ran back to shore. I stood on a lot of sea cucumbers and cut my foot on coral making it bleed, so would probably have been better if we had calmly wadded back to shore. So typically event in my life I get scared, I scream, I hurt myself and attract a lot of attention, which in this case wasn't hard as we were on a tranquil relaxing beach.

Little did we know the hotel was run by a scary Thai family who basically didn't like having guests as it seems; they were rude, and very unwelcoming after we had paid. Four girls in our group of 12 had an argument with some of the staff to do with air-con so they decided they were going to leave. In an attempt to get some of their money back they had to ring the old manager of the hotel to translate to the Thai family. The old manager warned them to be careful as the family were known to be aggressive towards complaining customers, which put the rest of us staying there at ease..!! Whilst the other girls went to find accommodation at a different bay we decided to make the most of it and found a lovely traditional Thai restaurant. The views and food were amazing!! As they only had rooms for 3 people and there was 4 of us in each hut 3 of us had to share a double bed.. which was quite amusing getting us all in and comfy.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Week One - Koh Pangan

When we arrived at the bungalows, I was just pretty impressed we had managed to make it from Bangkok. We decided to dump our bags and try and find a swimming pool, also getting a cheeky cocktail. At the bar however I started to feel slightly strange, when I said to Charl and Hayley that I feel funny before starting to collapse. Luckily they gathered what was happening and caught me, did manage to scare them both and drew a lot of attention to myself. Later on it happened again but realizing what was happening sat down straight away. After these two episodes went for a nap hoping to feel better. Later on all 9 of the other girls arrived really excited for the Full Moon Party pre party's. After getting some buckets of Samsung (drink out here), we then covered ourselves in UV paint and got a taxi to the pool party. Taxi here are slightly different to English ones.. they are basically trailers and somehow we are expected to stay on them. Feared for my life several times on the journey, mainly as I kept getting distracted by trying to not spill my drink everywhere!! The pool party was amazing played drinking games with some randomers, after this thought it would be a great idea to go play in the sea. Me and Charl danced on a floating platform in the sea which was very fun even if nearly fell off a few times. We all then went down to the beach where spent most of my time in the sea (think it was a bit of a novelty).

Full Moon Party (FMP)
The Full Moon Party was amazing, most incredible night! As usual was all very eventful, with several people (unfortunately including myself) ending up being sick in the sea. We started drinking buckets of samsung early whilst we were getting ready which wasnt the best of plans when we were trying to paint ourselves with UV paint and not getting it on anything. Several minor spills. We all looked fabulous in our UV paint!! At the very point we decided to head to the FMP it poured with rain.. one thing thailand can do is rainnnn!! So this wasn't tooo great after we had spent hours getting ready for the paint to already be running off. However after the amount of buckets we had we didn't really care, just made it even more exciting.
When we got there Charl and our roles kept changing one minute she was looking after me and the next I was looking after her, we spent most of the night running around having a hilarious time. Until Charl became a lot more drunk than me and thought getting randomers to buy us buckets then run off with them would be a good plan.. this was not a good plan.. surprising I know! Hayley rescued me and Charl which I'm not sure she would have done if she had known the stress it would cause. Whilst charl was being sick in the sea.. Hayley for some unknown reason gave me her bag to look after. Drunkenly I walked into the sea and manage to stack ruining most of the contents in the bag including Hayley's phone.. not a good move. After some more eventful times at around 5 we decided to go back. Previously I had seen a corn on the cob being sold... healthy drunk food was available I was in my element and talk about it most of the night to anyone who wished to listen.
Before we left I went and bought one.. mistake. This was no normal corn on the cob it became "The Killer Corn". Whilst Hayley escorted drunken Charl and I home, I began chocking on my corn, literally to the point where I couldn't breathe. Terrified Hayley ran up to the nearest shop shouting she needed water, whilst Charl took the liberty of looking after me. This involved picking up the sweetcorn out of the bush I had dropped it in and trying to feed me in. Also getting right into my face and telling me (whilst still chocking) if I wanted the sweetcorn. After causing a scene and a lot of shouting and began to breathe again and ewe began the walk back. Charl had become quite taken with the sweetcorn and ate most of it on the way home, even though I kept throwing it on the floor telling her it was dirty. Charl unfortunately did not take my advice and ended up getting an infection. To try and attempt to sober us all us we went to a random stall to get thai food. We ordered pad thai.. this is the last time I ate pad thai as soon after both me and charl began to throw up all over again. Again Fun times for Hayley. Eventually we got back to our bungalow where we watch the sunrise with some guys also staying there before I passed out in bed thankfully. Drama follows me everywhere.
In all I had an amazing night and I am really looking forward to doing it again in july with Flickkky.
That my lovelys summerises week one.

Big love. <3

Monday 5 July 2010

Week One

The Journey..

Airplane...Waking up at 3:30 didn't seem so hard when adrenaline is following as was so excited but very nervous to be leaving. Arrived at charls just before 5:00, being the first one to arrive which makes a change. Helen and emma arrived soon after and we say our goodbye and were off. Once at the airport it was clear that Charls dad was quite nervous to be leaving us all. I attempted to put my backpack on which I realise I can't actually pick it up without help.. hopefully I will get some upper body strength.

Once on the plane I feel relaxed as we set off for one on the longest flight I have ever been on. The airplane was pretty good had a T.V set with loads of games and movies on to keep us entertained. On the plane we were given sooo much food which was all Indian food (as our connecting flight was in Mumbi, which I didn't realise was the capital of India). I mainly napped as I have taken travel sickness tablets which make you drowsy. On one of my naps I have a bad dream in which I woke myself up by screaming, which the girls thought was hilarious but other passengers just gave me a very odd look. I was just pretty embarrassed!! When we got to Mumbi we couldn't land due to monsoon rain so it added another 2 hours to our flight meaning we would miss our connecting flight. Luckily the plane was delaid as there was so many flights unable to land, so everything was fine, but didn't stop us panicking.

We arrived at around 8:00 in Bangkok. We split off as 4 as Helen and Emma were getting an internal flight to Ko Sumui, and Charl and I were waiting for Hayley (another one of the travelers) to then book a night train down south. The train wasn't leaving until 19:00 so we had the whole day to spare. We found a Tut Tut and asked him to take us to the MRT (massive 7 story shopping mall). We then first hand experienced the 'one stop', in confusion with thinking he needed petrol we agreed to stop. When we stopped outside a clothes shop we realized they wanted us to go in and buy something so he got free petrol. We argued with the driver that we were not going in and we want to be taken straight to the mall, he reluctantly and angrily started driving again whilst we were terrified every time we went down an alleyway that he was going to leave us there. Once in the mall we looked around, went to a canteen lunch in a traditional thai place which was so cheap and yummy. We found these random booths that were for karaoke which apparently is a popular thing to do in Bangkok. By the afternoon we were knackered so went for coffee in Starbucks where we fell asleep in for 2 hours!! So hilar as they just left us to it, we were right next to the window so I am sure we got a few weird looks from people going by. We also went to a fish spa where the these little fishes eat your feet.. I wasn't a fan of doing this but Charl and Hayley thought it was a good plan. There feet after were apparently softer?!

The Night train...After seeing pictures when booking the night train (in which it looked fairly glamorous) actually seeing it was a totally different story.. I thought we had the wrong carriage or seat numbers or something. After the initial shock I decided it wasn't 'that bad'.. until well I saw the toilet. The window was made out of metal bar and I did think it was a little breezy, the toilet whole bit went straight onto the track, and it didn't smell particularly good. The cool part was that around 23:00 a man came round a whipped the seats into bunk beds which were fairly comfy and I managed to sleep. The last leg of the journey was a ferry to Koh Phangan, were we would be meeting all 9 of the other girls. The ferry crossing would have been fine if we could have sat inside as with no suncream and no shade led to Charl and I getting very burnt, Hayley just ended up getting nicely tanned. Made some friends on the boat so seemed to go fairly quickly.